Thursday, February 8, 2007

Deconstruct The City Space

To deconstruct is to break apart. Demolition crews deconstruct buildings so that new ones can be built in their place. It is a word sometimes used when analyzing a subject or situation.
"The" is probably one of the most widely used words in the English language. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word "the" as a function word that is used to indicate that a following noun or noun equivalent is definite or has been previously specified by context or by circumstance. I try to avoid using the word "the" too much when I'm writing papers. It's too repetitive and unoriginal.
A city is the center of commerce and economics. It is a place in which people come to work. People also travel to the city for culture. Music and other art forms are often on display in cities. A city is a great place to get something to eat. There are many great restaurants in a city. A city is crowded. All cities have a history. A city is often noisy, smelly, and filled with smog. Most cities have ghettos or places where the people are poor and the buildings are run down. There are many homeless people in the city of Philadelphia. The city can be a violent place. Many people are murdered in cities. Most cities have schools, colleges, and universities. A city is a great place to learn. A city is a melting pot of many different cultures, nationalities, and creeds.
Space is the final frontier. Space can be outer or inner. Space can be a gap where nothing rests. Space can be owned. Space should be free. Space can be public or personal. Space can be asked for. Space can be given. Space can be purchased. Space can be sold. Space can be relaxing. Too much space can be sad.

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